Kripik Singkong

It could be argued that most cassava food crops cultivated in Nigeria, and can be attributed to the adaptation to widely different soil conditions. And is mainly grown in the southern and middle belt of the country. It is well known that Nigeria is one of the producers in the world of cassava tuber. The world's attention is moving increasingly towards cassava, because of her increasing interest of mankind. In Nigeria, and adequate processing is not always work effectively, making some of the benefits derivable from this important root crop. There is great potential in cassava production and processing in which the investor can extract wealth.

All parts of the cassava very useful: leaves, stem and roots, and cobalt.
Apart from the transformation of cassava in the villages, FUVEAU, lafun, or flakes and granules for export. Three other useful products derivable from cassava, They are:

1. Starch
2. Gum / adhesive
3. Alcohol

Cassava roots are a good source of carbohydrates, which are used in the food industry, pharmaceutical and textile. The majority of workers in this industry is still imported cassava starch to run. Starch is a basic need for all people and almost all industries
. There is always a ready market for the starch in the textile industry.

Should feel that the cost of purchase of machinery for the manufacture of starch and can be exhorbitant that the average investor may not be able to meet it, not to deter investors identified. We now have some companies that do "the outcome of production" - that is, and help you in the process of cassava starch on: death, destruction, packaging and, above all, for a fee.

All the investor needs to do is collect the preparation of starch or wet and take it for processing in one of these companies and pronto, you have your form starch powder dry well, and ready for the market.

One product to other important cassava starch, gum and adhesives. These products are important elements in the packaging and printing
Industries and binding. Being the production of glues and adhesives from cassava starch compete favorably with imported adhesive.

Another important product of cassava are alcohol (ethanol). Are produced naturally from molasses alcohol, but this is in short supply in Nigeria and therefore the need for an alternative raw material.

Cassava peel is created to address the roots of cassava. Are environmental pollutants, but is used in the production of alcohol and carbondixide.

Alcohol is used as an industrial chemical in disinfectants. It is also used in the manufacture of alcoholic beverages.
Above-mentioned processes are the projects that can be businessmen interested in the project, because they will not dig a hole in your pocket.
The initial capital to start and succeed in a project of your choice should not be large and difficult to lift, once there is enough enthusiasm and determination.
Nigeria's investment environment is very receptive to small investors. No bureaucracy, no bottlenecks. All it takes to achieve success is yourself, fully armed with the necessary knowledge about what the project intends to proceed.

Lays Potato Chips

lays potato chipslays image 
lays potato chipslays image
Saturated the United States, and developed countries, cheap and convenient, with pre-packaged snacks. These types of delicious, hot or cold, presentation, and sweet and salty treats provided. No, instead of potato chips, and more popular everywhere.

The U.S. business chips local Mom and Dad very historically until 1930s. The final product, potato chips, a pointer to that the ship was very difficult to save without packaging technology advanced. The invention consists of the component-coated slice of the bag before locally in the kitchen, from the barrel is usually sold in several local stores. Barrel soon, and the owner of the shop open scoop on products that are sold to the consumer entered the barrel and air potato chips that have no meaning. Was taught to consumers of these chips before serving to mitigate the lack of freshness, and the home by heating the chip.

lays potato chips photo 
lays potato chips photo
This type of trade, and a suitable model for business local service, but that did not allow for economies of scale and distribution at the national level. In addition, it has been the development of each city or region, enjoying a popular type of chip local favorite. Opportunities to integrate the machine to make a revolution in the category of business and marketing business and a snack may come to a major way.

The businessmen Ray Herman. It was Ray Barrett through food sales representative company in Atlanta. Him in 1930, Nashville, selling any type of potato chips in space Barrett, Tennessee. He developed and sale of natural talent soon, as soon as possible to the seller in the way of growth of land being contracted to work for him. Offered to Barrett, the owner of the heart, but his success, Herman, Ray to sell the business as a whole. He struggled to find financing. The height of the Depression. One way or another, loans, savings, and a set of preferred stock, secured constructed dollar 600 000.

nice lays potato chips 
nice lays potato chips
The new company soon changed the company name to put the father. Mr. Lay was aware that the device had to be the low cost of distribution and expand it. Took the entire potato, with an investment of every dollar of profit, self-contained, potato chip production machines full. Store bought potato chips, and insurance for the shipment of a new product to make sure they are sitting on the shelf, packaged with the consumption of new non-transparent bag.

Beginning of World War II, demonstrated the industry's most profitable salty snacks. The war until chocolate and sugar products and large-scale war, and these components are distributed in the use of rare and expensive now. Salt, however, were not available to eat a salty snack distribution was the preferred choice of consumers who are looking for a quick snack during the war. In addition, the consumption of savory snacks in massive quantities of military.

Become Reizupotetochippusu and snacks during the post-war period, everywhere in the stores in the south. The company bought a small competition in the capital, and pushed hard. Finally, the hardware, the company bought a company pretending to put San Antonio, Texas. Fleet
Finished eating corn flakes for the production of large quantities until the present day. Flops for our complex, and developed most of the producers and snack a strong nation and salted.